Credit Card and Personal Loan Balances Reach Record Levels as Consumers Navigate High Inflation, Rising Interest Rates
Q3 2022 TransUnion Credit Industry Insights Report explores latest credit trends The third quarter of 2022 saw more consumers turning to unsecured personal loans and credit cards as a means to help stave off the financial pressures brought on by inflation. TransUnion’s (NYSE: TRU) newly released Q3 2022 Quarterly Credit Industry Insights Report (CIIR) also shows that while delinquencies for most credit products remain in line with pre-pandemic levels, they continue to rise from the very low levels seen in 2021, particularly among subprime segments of customers. Credit card balances continue to grow, with bankcard balances reaching a record high of $866 billion in Q3 2022, which represents a year-over-year (YoY) increase of 19%. This increase was heavily driven by growth among Gen Z and Millennial borrowers, among whom balances grew by 72% and 32%, respectively. Private label balances are also at a record high, up 7.3% YoY. Private label total and average credit lines have also increased to record highs, as have average number of accounts per consumer. Delinquencies have also risen and in Q3 2022 were slightly higher than the level seen pre-pandemic in Q3 2019. Bankcard charge-offs, for now, continued to decline, down for the sixth consecutive quarter. Charge-off balances are showing an upward trend among private label after seven consecutive quarterly declines. Unsecured personal loans have seen record growth in originations and balances in recent quarters. This growth has been fueled, in part, by significant increases in lending to below prime risk tiers. This increase, combined with a general deterioration in the financial health of subprime consumers as a result of elevated inflation, has led to an increase in delinquencies, which have now surpassed pre-pandemic levels. As lenders navigate increasing delinquencies, a high inflation environment, capital constraints, and a potential recession, lending to below prime risk tiers is likely to slow down in the last two quarters of 2022. Loan Growth and Balances Rising for Credit Cards and Unsecured Personal Loans Key Metrics Q3 2022 Q3 2021 Number of Credit Cards 510.9 million 474.2 million Average Credit Card Debt per Borrower $5,474 $4,857 Consumers with Access to a Personal Loan 22.0 million 19.2 million Average Personal Loan Debt per Borrower $10,749 $9,387 TransUnion’s Credit Industry Indicator (CII) was relatively stable between Q2 and Q3 2022, ticking up one point to 120, but dropped from the prior year level of 126 in Q3 2021, largely driven by the rising delinquencies across many product categories. The CII is a quarterly measure of depersonalized and aggregated consumer credit health trends that summarizes movements in credit demand, credit supply, consumer credit behaviors and credit performance metrics over time into a single indicator. Examples of data elements categorized into these four pillars include: new product openings, consumer credit scores, outstanding balances, payment behaviors, and 100+ other variables. To learn more about the latest consumer credit trends, register for the Q3 2022 Quarterly Credit Industry Insights Report Webinar. Read on for more specific insights about credit cards, personal loans, auto loans and mortgages. Largely driven by non-prime growth and a high inflation environment, credit cards see highest balances on record Q3 2022 CIIR Credit Card Summary Bankcard originations increased to 21.3 million in Q2 2022, a 10.7% growth YoY, with significant growth seen in the subprime (+12.5%) and super prime (+15.2%) risk tier segments (originations are viewed one quarter in arrears). Private label originations increased to 12 million, with 8.4% growth YoY. The subprime share of overall private label originations increased to 22.5%. Total bankcard balances in Q3 2022 increased to a record level, $866 billion, representing a 19% growth YoY, driven by card use across all risk tiers and recent high origination growth in non-prime segments. Total private label balances increased 7.3% YoY, driven by subprime consumers, while average consumer balance reached the highest point since 2Q 2020. Total available bankcard credit lines and average credit lines per consumer are at an all-time high, with consumers having access to a record number of cards in their wallets, again driven by growth in prime and below segments. The 90+ delinquency rate increased to 1.94% in Q3 2022, which was slightly above the 1.82% seen in Q3 2019. Private label 90+ DPD delinquency rate increased 56bps YoY to 1.52%. Total private label charge-off balances have started showing an upward trend after a seven consecutive quarter decline. Instant Analysis “In this inflationary environment, consumers are increasingly turning to credit, as evidenced by the record total bankcard balances this quarter. This is particularly true among the subprime segment of consumers. Delinquencies are rising, which is to be expected given the increase in consumers getting access to credit, many for the first time. However, the numbers remain in relative alignment with historical pre-pandemic levels of 2019. We are likely to see continued growth in credit card usage as increased interest rates and inflation continue to put pressure on consumers while employment numbers remain strong.” – Paul Siegfried, senior vice president and credit card business leader at TransUnion Q3 2022 Credit Card Trends Credit Card Lending Metric Q3 2022 Q3 2021 Q3 2020 Q3 2019 Number of Credit Cards 510.9 million 474.2 million 451.9 million 441.9 million Borrower-Level Delinquency Rate (90+ DPD) 1.94% 1.13% 1.23% 1.82% Average Debt Per Borrower $5,474 $4,857 $5,068 $5,658 Prior Quarter Originations* 21.3 million 19.3 million 8.6 million 16.5 million Average New Account Credit Lines* $5,021 $4,200 $4,001 $5,295 *Note: Originations are viewed one quarter in arrears to account for reporting lag. For more credit card industry information, click here for episodes of Extra Credit: A Card and Banking Podcast by TransUnion. Personal loan consumers reach a record 22 million as below prime balances continue to grow Q3 2022 CIIR Personal Loan Summary As of Q3 2022, 22 million consumers had an unsecured personal loan, the highest number on record, highlighting the expanding acceptance and usage of this product type by consumers. Originations in Q2 2022 (viewed one quarter in arrears) grew 36% YoY to reach six million, with all credit tiers experiencing 30%+ growth. Consequently, total personal loan balances