Every morning, before the kids go to school, they all spend a little time loving on and talking to the babies. It’s the sweetest to watch.
I loved getting to have Jamie Ivey in-studio to record a podcast episode this past week. Look for it on Tuesday.
Kierstyn has become so interactive and talkative. She’s just such a joy to our home!
I’ve been loving drinking lots of smoothies this week.
We tried something new this week — I made cornbread in the waffle iron. You can see how we did it here.
At the encouragement of the GI specialist and pediatrician, we’ve been slowly introducing Champ to solid foods. Because of his swallowing struggles due to being a preemie, we can tell this is going to take quite a bit of time and effort, but we’re trying different things and are hoping he’s going to get it soon (he may need swallow/feeding therapy, too). Among some of the things we tried this week was this mesh feeder shown above.
Silas started baseball again on a new team recently (we had been driving to a different county for baseball since our county had shut down baseball for a few months. Jesse is one of the assistant coaches and they are having the best time! I love getting to hang out and watch his games and practices, as I’m able.
Our big baby news of the week: Kierstyn has started sitting up! She’s still a little wobbly, but she prefers to sit up over laying down now and is getting better and better at it. It’s so fun to watch both babies as they learn and grow and develop!
In case you missed it, I did 5 different live shows on Instagram this past week. You can watch the replays here:
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