My 10 Goals For This Week


I skipped posting about goal-setting last week… and I realized that I wasn’t as motivated to do certain things like exercise and reading because I hadn’t publicly set those goals and knew I wouldn’t be reporting back to you all about them! It was good to realize that posting these here really does make a big difference for me!

This Week’s Goals

Personal Goals

1. Take 3 walks in our neighborhood.

2. Read 5 chapters of The White Rose Resists. Read 5 chapters of Atomic Habits. Finish listening to Five Days in November. Finish reading Standing Strong.

3. Do pelvic floor exercises at least four times.

4. Do 3 days of Couch to 5K.

5. Get 45,000 steps in.

Home/Family Goals

6. Read 20 pages of A Boy’s War as a family. Read three chapters of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the babies and Silas. 

7. Invite friends over.

Work/Blog Goals

8. Do an IG story for a brand (I’ve had this on my calendar for way too long — time to get it done!)

9. Plan and teach a live coaching session for my Blogging Mastermind group.

Word of the Year Goals

10. Have a family movie night.

What are YOUR goals for this week? Tell me in the comments! I’d love to hear and be able to cheer for you!


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