Covid-19 India Live News, New Omicron Variant Cases in India, Coronavirus Vaccine Statistics and Registration Latest Update Live, February 5 Live News: India’s Omicron-led third wave is seeing a slight improvement in certain pockets, the Narendra Modi government recently said. In terms of daily Covid cases, yes, the situation may have marginally improved. Till 10 days back, states such as Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Maharashtra were witnessing massive coronavirus surge. But that trend has improved drastically now, official data shows. However, Mizoram and Kerala are still in the red zone.
But the biggest aspect of the Omicron third wave in India is the silence surge in daily Covid deaths in the country. On Friday, India marked a grim record of over 5 lakh coronavirus deaths in the world. The US and Brazil are only two other countries that have seen such a staggering numbers of fatalities.
Experts say that the official death tool is just a tip of the iceberg and there are many million who died, who are not accounted for in the national records. Since January 20 last month, daily deaths have seen a marked uptick. It should also be added that the factor of backlog deaths also need to be taken into consideration. Kerala has added over 300 pervious deaths leading in the fatality inflation. But apart from that, the overall death count is definitely on the higher side with last 10 days seeing around 1000 deaths on daily basis.
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