
Having open hands and an open heart is one part of A Surrendered Yes: 52 Devotions to Let Go and Live Free, the new book by Rebekah Lyons. A Surrendered Yes is also about living in the now. On today’s episode of The Crystal Paine Show, Rebekah and I talk about what it was like for her to have a child diagnosed with Down syndrome, what living a surrendered life looks like, and how God doesn’t call you to anything that He won’t also give you the strength for.
Rebekah and her family have been a huge inspiration to our family as we have stepped out in faith and said yes to adopting Baby D. Watching their family and the journey they have been on and how they have trusted the Lord and lived in surrender to His calling has been such an encouragement to us.
If you are struggling to say yes and step out in faith, Rebekah’s raw honesty on this episode will infuse you with courage. Don’t miss it!
In This Episode
[00:37] – Welcome to The Crystal Paine Show today we are honored to have a repeat guest, Rebekah Lyons.
[03:32] – The great joy in life is to lose your life so that you can find it again.
[04:19] – I ask Rebekah what it was like to receive the diagnosis that her firstborn had Down syndrome.
[09:44] – “If you could go back to your 26-year-old self when you were walking through this, knowing what you know now, what would you say to yourself?”
[12:47] – Rebekah talks directly to the woman who’s listening who wants to have that courage but is scared.
[15:24] – If you are feeling a nudge or a whisper or something that kind of continues to surface, don’t close your hands to it.
[17:34] – We talk about what it was like to say yes to adopting Joy.
[19:20] – Pay attention to your tears.
[23:49] – We segue into talking about answering those people saying “How do you do it?”
[28:28] – I ask Rebekah to close by sharing what “letting go and living free” looks like in her life right now.
[31:50] – It’s not living in tomorrow, it’s not living in yesterday. It’s living today.
Links & Resources
- Books
- Rhythms of Renewal: Trading Stress and Anxiety for a Life of Peace and Purpose by Rebekah Lyons
A Surrendered Yes: 52 Devotions to Let Go and Live Free by Rebekah Lyons
Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning by Rebekah Lyons - Special Mentions
- The Crystal Paine Show, Ep 50
- Rebekah Lyons
- Rebekah Lyons on Facebook
- Rebekah Lyons on Instagram
- Rebekah Lyons on Twitter
- Other Links
- Love-Centered Parenting
- 10 Days to Be a Happier Mom
- Sign up for the Hot Deals Email List
- MoneySavingMom.com
- My Instagram account (I’d love for you to follow me there! I usually hop on at least a few times per day and share behind-the-scenes photos and videos, my grocery store hauls, funny stories, or just anything I’m pondering or would like your advice or feedback on!)
- Have feedback on the show or suggestions for future episodes or topics? Send me an email: crystal @ moneysavingmom.com
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